EDGUY Guitarist Talks About Upcoming Live Album
March 17, 2003EDGUY guitarist Dirk Sauer recently gave an interview to the band's webmaster regarding the group's upcoming live album, "Burning Down The Opera". The two-CD set, which was recorded on the group's most recent "Madrake" tour, is due on May 26 through AFM Records.
The following are some of Sauer's quotes regarding the upcoming album:
"We finished the tour and we recorded a lot on this tour. So, when we got back from the States we started mixing all this material which took about four weeks or so which is very long for mixing an album. But, I think it was worth it. We finally finished in the middle of January so we had no break at that time. And then we entered the studio again for the mixing, and we were really surprised when we listened to the stuff. We had not gotten to listen to the recordings on tour even though we had recorded it with our own multi-track machines but we had sent all the stuff to Hamburg because we didn't have time to care about that. We said, just take it and try to pick out the best stuff…which is mainly the Paris, France show, and when Mike Tibes (the engineer) did that we started mixing the stuff. Most of the show is from Paris except for two of the songs…even though I can't remember exactly. We told him to keep his eye on one whole show because the live album should be one concert – not one song from there, one song from there, etc.
"I think it's different than most of the live albums because we spent a shitload of money into it and a lot of time as well. Many bands just throw together a live album because they don't know what to do so they release a live album, and that's how many albums sound. The live album should leave an impression that if you close your eyes you should be into the show and not sounding like a bad bootleg recorded with a tape machine or mini-disc player.
"[Recording a live album is] quite different [from recording a studio album] and takes a long time. You see, you have a lot of tracks with live material, but with the studio stuff everything is very clean because you just have one instrument and you don't have any noises and stuff. If you do the live album you always have other instruments on the drum microphones so you have to be very patient with the mixing and it takes a long time to make everything clear. That's another thing because many live albums have a very bad sound in my opinion. But this one is really great I was really surprised when I received the final product in my home a couple of weeks ago. That's really what we wanted to do was to record a high quality live album and give the fans the impression that you're standing in a hall and listening to the show and not standing behind a curtain and listening to some noise of a band playing live!"
Read the whole interview here.